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Frequently asked question
Typically, production takes 3-5 business days. Once your order is shipped, it usually takes 7-10 business days to arrive. For international orders, shipping times vary based on the destination. Please check the product description for specific details.
Since we also work with third-party suppliers, the production process and time may vary depending on the product and the supplier involved. We always strive to ensure the fastest possible turnaround while maintaining high-quality standards.
Please note that during the holidays, shipping times may vary.
Yes, you can cancel your order within 2 hours of placing it. After this period, the order will begin processing, and cancellation may no longer be possible.
Due to the personalized nature of our products, refunds or exchanges are not available unless there is a manufacturing error or product defect. Please carefully review your personalization details (spelling, dates, names) and shipping address before submitting your order.
Refunds cannot be issued for orders delayed to adverse weather conditions or any unforeseen circumstance that may affect any of our carriers.
Once your order has entered production, changes are rarely possible. However, if you notice an error immediately after placing your order, contact us as soon as possible, and we’ll do our best to help based on where the order is in the production process.
In most cases, we can update the shipping address if the order is still in production. Please reach out to us as soon as possible if you need to make changes.
If you encounter any issues with your order, such as defects or errors, please contact us right away. We’re committed to finding the best solution for you, as your satisfaction is important to us!